How to Effectively Use Traffic Exchanges


Traffic exchanges are reciprocal viewing sites - so you need to view other sites in order to get credits for your site to be shown.

When you join a TE, you will receive a confirmation email with an activation link that needs to be clicked to activate your account.

Once you have activated your account, log in and check where you can add your site to the rotation.

You generally need to surf a certain number of sites before your site will be shown

Some traffic exchanges allow you to post banners - they will have all the instructions, you just need to add your URLs for these banners – you will always need 2 URLs – one is for the banner itself and the other is the target url (where you want the people to go when the click on the banner)

Some traffic exchanges offer a text ad option as well.

Most traffic exchanges are free to join with different upgrade packages. An upgrade will usually offer certain number of credits a month plus there is always the ability to purchase credits if you don't have time to surf other sites.

Spend time reading all the information on the traffic exchange - many will also have a downline builder with other traffic sites that you can join.


Remember, traffic exchanges are a visual medium so people are attracted to quick loading, eye grabbing pages. We call these 'splash pages' in the traffic exchanges but you may also know them as 'squeeze pages'. Same idea though, grab people's attention quickly, generate some curiosity and then finish with a strong call to action. I call it the A.C.A.'s of splash page design...Grab 'Attention', create 'Curiosity' and finally have a strong call to 'Action'.


You can find a list of traffic exchanges simply by searching for that keyword on Google or other search engines.  To save you some time, I have listed a few traffic exchanges below:
 - Advertising is Tough but we're Tougher!





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