Enzyme diet meal replacement shake

 Frequently Asked Questions

How does this enzyme diet shake help me lose weight?
The enzyme diet superfood shake uses the power of enzymes to support our metabolism - without drugs or stimulants. It’s like a “metabolic makeover”, setting the stage for your body to pull fat from storage and use it as fuel, instead of going into the starvation mode as happens with so many other diets.

The problem with typical low-calorie diets is that the body senses a shortage of nutrients for making energy, so it compensates by slowing metabolism. People then stop losing weight, even if they are eating almost nothing. In addition, a slowed metabolism causes people to actually gain back more weight than they lost.

This diet shake food addresses this issue by providing your body with all the minerals, amino acids, enzymes, carbohydrates, protein, fatty acids, fiber, phytonutrients and naturally occurring vitamins it needs to keep its metabolic systems running at optimal rates. The exclusive CAeDS system then ensures that these nutrients are delivered to each cell in your body.

When combined with a healthy lifestyle, this enzyme diet provides your body with everything it needs to support your metabolism, sustain or improve health and rapidly lose weight.

Why don’t I feel hungry even though I’m consuming so few calories?
The superfood shake provides your body with all the minerals, amino acids, enzymes, carbohydrates, protein, fatty acids, fiber, phytonutrients and naturally occurring vitamins it needs to keep its metabolic systems running at optimal rates. When your body has everything it needs, it doesn’t send out hunger signals. As your body receives the dense, super-food nutrition from this enzyme diet shake, hunger naturally subsides.

I feel more energy after taking the enzyme shake, is this common?
Most people report that their energy levels are higher after drinking this enzyme diet superfood. Some people even experience a mild “rush” of energy. There are no drugs or stimulants in the diet shake. The effects you are feeling are not the fake manufactured energy from a pill - this is pure, healthy energy created by delivery of super-rich nutrition to the cells of your body

How long can I stay on this meal replacement weight-loss program?
As long as you desire. Because this enzyme diet shake is highly nutritious and completely natural, it may actually improve your nutritional status. Once you have achieved your desired weight, continue drinking one serving of the shake each day as part of your new healthy lifestyle.

What is a sensible meal?
A sensible meal is low in fat and sugar, includes plenty of raw vegetables and fiber, and has a moderate amount of carbohydrates and protein. Your meal choices can be varied. However, including a combination of the following foods and suggested serving sizes may greatly enhance your weight-loss efforts. Note: If you are only having one sensible meal per day, use the larger serving sizes listed; if you are having two regular meals, use the lower serving sizes listed.
Feel free to choose foods that fit these requirements:

4-6 ounces of lean meat (chicken, turkey, white meat fish - including
tuna in water) or 1 cup beans, soy protein, tofu, cottage cheese or miso

1-2 Tbsp. raw fat (avocado, raw nuts and seeds)

1-2 servings of whole grains
(serving=1 slice bread, 1 roll, 1/3 cup rice or 1/2 cup pasta)

2-4 servings of vegetables (1c. raw {preferably} or 1/2 c. cooked)

Can I mix this enzyme shake with anything besides water?
Absolutely! Some people prefer to use 8 ounces of skim milk (80 calories) instead of water. Others prefer to add fresh fruit such as half a banana (55 calories) or _ cup berries to vary the flavor. Blending in 1/2 cup of fat-free frozen yogurt (80 calories) is another favorite mix-in. Remember, some flavorings may change the caloric content.

Can I prepare this enzyme diet shake ahead of time and keep it refrigerated?
Preparing this enzyme diet superfood and storing it in the refrigerator for more than 20 minutes is not recommended, as this deactivates some of the vital enzymes. You will experience the best results by preparing the shake according to the package directions and drinking it right away. (Two scoops of the enzyme poweder mixed with 8 ounces of cold water or skim milk). Shaking rather than stirring the mixture will result in a smoother, thicker drink.


Can I use this enzyme diet shake if I am pregnant or lactating?
Yes. It contains only all-natural, whole food nutrients and can provide a nutritious meal or snack during pregnancy or lactation. However, you should talk with your health professional before beginning this or any other diet or exercise program. It is not recommended that pregnant or lactating women replace more than one meal with this diet shake.

What about snacks?
If you find yourself feeling hungry between meals, the very best snack you can have is another serving of the shake. Some people, however, feel more satisfied if they chew something. If this is the case with you, we recommend raw fruits and vegetables, or try half of one of their health bars. To optimize weight loss, you will want to limit your snacks to two per day.

I’m already taking supplements... should I stop while on this enzyme shake?
This meal replacment enzyme diet shake was designed for a specific purpose - to support your metabolism while consuming a low number of calories. By adding nutritional supplements, you are allowing your body to help digest and absorb the healthy meals and snacks you consume in addition to the diet shake. The more nutrients you take in, the more support your metabolism will have during weight loss.

Why should I avoid carbonated beverages?
Carbonated beverages are typically high in sugar and their consumption is linked to increased obesity and diabetes rates in the Unites States. Even if the beverage contains no sugar, the carbonation destroys enzymes and the friendly intestinal bacteria required for healthy digestion and immunity. The carbonation also destroys the active enzymes contained in this enzyme diet shake. Without these enzymes, the enzyme shake cannot properly support your metabolism and promote weight loss. So, even though diet soda has no calories, it can sabotage your weight-loss efforts and affect your health.

I don’t usually drink water during the day; can I drink juice instead?
Drinking six to eight 12-ounce glasses of water daily promotes healthy functioning of all the body’s systems and encourages further weight loss. Juices and other sweetened beverages add significant amounts of calories and sugar to your diet. In fact, a 12 ounce serving of juice has more calories than a serving of this enzyme shake. If you do drink juice, make sure to count it toward one of your daily snacks.

Why shouldn’t I eat 2-3 hours before I go to bed?
Your metabolism drops significantly at night, causing the body to store calories as fat rather than use them as energy. Also, many people tend to do the most snacking while relaxing in front of the T.V. Breaking this habit will be a positive lifestyle change long after you have achieved your weight-loss goals.

What kind of physical activity should I be doing?
Doing any type of aerobic activity (walking, cycling, running, swimming, aerobic dance, stair climbing, in-line skating, etc.) for 30-40 minutes four times a week is ideal and will greatly enhance your weight-loss efforts. You may also want to add strength training to your routine three times a week to help you replace fat with muscle and further enhance your metabolism. If you are not used to exercising, begin slowly with a 20-minute walk to build up your endurance. As the pounds come off, you will find exercising easier to do.

What are the exact ingredients?
The specific ingredients are listed on the website. Go to www.infinity2.com and choose “Products”. Then choose the diet and click the “More Information” button. Scroll down until you see the ingredients and the supplement facts information. The fact sheet is also available to download. Visit the information site at www.infinity2.info to download fact sheets on any of the products.

What are the natural flavors used in this diet shake? Where are they from?
The natural flavors used in this superfood shake are extracts from food sources. For example the vanilla is an extract from pure vanilla beans.

What does it taste like? Do you mix in water, juice or milk?
It tastes great!! It is a French Vanilla flavor and tastes good even when mixed with just water. Most people prefer it in cold skim milk. It can also be mixed in juice, soy milk or blended with fruits.

What’s so different about this new program?
This enzyme diet shake is a breakthrough in weight loss that’s years ahead of other diets. It’s based on 15 years of research, was six years in development and was beta-tested for two years with remarkable results. Best of all, it tastes great!

Why did the manufacturer “beta-test” the product for so long?
It was tested for two years because our first priority is creating quality products that work. Unlike other companies that release weight loss products with only minimal short term testing, this company wanted to be sure this product would truly generate lasting weight loss. This enzyme diet shake is the most effective product for weight loss, includes the highest quality ingredients and is based on the latest in nutritional research.

Why was soy protein chosen as the protein source for this enzyme diet shake?
Soy is an excellent source of high quality protein. Soy is one of the oldest foods known to man, and has been a staple of Asian diets for centuries. In fact, soy is a complete protein, equal in quality to meat, milk and egg protein. It provides all the essential amino acids your body needs. In addition, recent research has found that consuming just 25 grams of soy protein per day may reduce the risk of heart disease when combined with a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

NOTE:  This product is now available in a whey formula - vanilla flavor only.

What is the soy protein source in this enzyme diet shake?
The soy protein in the shake is the highest quality non-GMO soy protein available. The soy proteins are processed with a water wash (rather than the usual alcohol wash) which maintains the integrity of the naturally occurring amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other bioactive components. It is manufactured under strict specifications in order to guarantee a consistent, high quality product for our customers. The soy protein is lactose free and, unlike most soy protein on the market, it is from a non-genetically modified source (non-GMO). The soy protein used exceeds industry safety, consistency and quality standards.

I have been on meal replacement enzyme shake for a few days and feel very hungry... is this normal?
While the vast majority of people feel full when taking this product, a few do feel hungry during the first few days. If you are a chronic dieter or have quite a bit of weight to lose, your metabolism has likely been slowed dramatically. As a result, it may take some time for your body to adjust to your new diet program and you may feel extremely hungry at first. If this happens, drink an extra serving of the shake to satisfy your appetite. And don’t worry, as your body receives the dense nutrition from this diet shake, this intense hunger will subside.

I have been taking this enzyme diet meal replacement for two days and feel a little tired and sluggish... is this normal?
A small number of people may feel tired or sluggish when they first start taking the shake, as their bodies undergo a metabolic shift. This enzyme diet shake fires up the body’s metabolic systems, which for a few people may make them feel worse before they feel better. Any sluggish feelings should subside in a few days, so just keep following the program and you will be well on your way to looking and feeling better than you ever have.


I haven’t lost as much weight as other people. Is this enzyme diet product working for me?
The body is an incredibly complex organism and can manifest progress in different ways for different people. Consider the following success indicators in determining whether this enzyme diet shake is truly working for you:

1. It is common for people to lose inches and body fat, but not see much change in their scale weight. In other words, you may have lost 5 pounds of fat and gained 3 pounds of muscle, but the scale only reports 2 pounds of total weight lost. Losing inches and body fat is a better indicator of progress than just scale weight. If you’re losing inches but not scale weight this means that you are losing body fat and maintaining or increasing your precious lean muscle. Increasing your lean muscle can increase your metabolism, energy levels and your health. Regardless of your scale weight, consider whether your clothes are fitting better and are looser. How you look and feel is a much better determiner of success than scale weight.

2. Consider whether you have stopped a pattern of gaining weight. Some people have been in a weight gain pattern and after beginning with this diet shake they are able to stop the weight gain trend and slowly begin to reverse it. Instead of gaining 5 pounds, they lose 1 or 2 pounds in a month. This is a huge positive effect.

3. Be sure to pay attention to your energy levels, how your clothes are fitting and other indicators of improved health. And remember, you probably didn’t put the weight on in just a few days, so it will take more than a few days to take the weight off. You can also try some of the following suggestions to help maximize your weight loss efforts.

  • Increase your water intake.
  • Eliminate carbonated beverages.
  • Eliminate or reduce caffeine and alcohol.
  • Eliminate refined sugars, sweets, and processed foods.
  • Increase your physical activity. Try walking, biking, etc. twice a week or more and increase your daily activities by parking at the far end of the parking lot, taking the stairs, etc.

4. You shouldn’t be discouraged if your progress is slower than others. Remember that losing even 1-2 pounds per week will result in a tremendous 50-100 pound weight loss over the next 12 months.

I’ve heard there are numerous factors that can affect weight loss. What are the other factors that can affect how rapidly a person loses weight?
Some of these factors include:
1. How much weight the person needs to lose. Those who have a lot to lose often lose larger amounts more quickly.

2. How often the person exercises and his/her normal activity level throughout the day. Physical activity increases the number of calories burned, which can increase the rate of weight loss.

3. What else the person is eating during the day. It is important to eat a sensible meal for dinner and include healthy snacks if you’re hungry. It is also important to remember that juices, sodas, and alcoholic beverages add extra calories. Try to drink water and eliminate sugary snacks, high calorie beverages and processed foods.

4. Inadequate water intake. Dehydration can decrease metabolism, which slows weight loss efforts. Drink plenty of water.

5. How past dieting history has affected metabolism (especially yo-yo dieters).

6. Whether the person was at a stable weight prior to beginning the diet. Stopping a weight gain trend and reversing it by losing even 1 pound a week may not seem impressive, but is actually significant progress.

7. The nutritional status of the individual. If the individual is extremely nutrient deficient, the nutrients in this enzyme diet shake may need to be used to replenish nutrient stores before having an effect on metabolism and weight loss.

8. The hormonal status of the individual. Women in menopause or peri-menopause tend to gain weight. Using this diet shake may help them lose the weight or prevent weight gain that would have occurred otherwise. The nutrients and energy from this enzyme diet may be going towards balancing the hormones first.

9. Medications. Some medications can deplete nutrients or cause weight gain as a side effect to the treatment. This enzyme diet shake can help replenish depleted nutrients and help to combat the weight gain effects of the medication, but weight loss may still be slower than when not on certain medications.

Because past dieting, certain health conditions and some medications can deplete the body of important nutrients, these factors can slow down weight loss efforts for some people. For some people, it may take some time for the body to rebalance its nutrient stores before they begin seeing more dramatic weight loss. The most common issue is related to the use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.

I’ve been on these meal resplacement shakes and lost weight, but I’ve hit a plateau and haven’t lost any weight this week. What can I do?
Being ‘stuck’ for just a week or so, is not really a true plateau. You may still be losing fat, but not scale weight. It is also common to lose larger amounts of weight in the first few weeks and then taper off to more of the average weight loss of one to two pounds per week. If you are truly ‘stuck’ where you haven’t lost any weight or inches in a few weeks, try some of the following suggestions:
- Follow some of the following suggestions for maximizing your weight loss.

  • Increase your water intake.
  • Eliminate carbonated beverages.
  • Eliminate or reduce caffeine and alcohol.
  • Eliminate refined sugars, sweets, and processed foods.
  • Increase your physical activity.
  • For a few days try using this enzyme diet meal repalcement three times per day instead of just twice. Replace one of your snacks or your dinner with the shake.

Can individuals with hypoglycemia use this enzyme diet shake?
Yes. Most people with hypoglycemia benefit from using this enzyme diet meal replacement because it is low glycemic. This means that it does not cause the large increases in blood sugar levels and the subsequent crash that individuals with hypoglycemia experience.

Can people with diabetes use this enzyme diet shake?
Yes. Many people with diabetes are also overweight and losing even just a few pounds can improve blood glucose control for these individuals. Because this enzyme meal replacement shake is low glycemic and a good source of protein and fiber, it does not cause sharp increases in blood glucose. For those using the diabetic exchange meal planning system, the shake mixed in water is approximately equivalent to one starch and two meat substitutes.

Will this enzyme diet shake interfere with any medications?
There are no known interactions between the nutrients in this product and the common medications for heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, low thyroid, depression, anxiety and antibiotics. Check with your physician and/or pharmacist to verify that your specific medication will not interact with the ingredients of the diet shake. The shake is considered a food, so if your medication states that it should be taken on an empty stomach, you should not take your medication at the same time as this meal replacement diet shake

Are there any disease or conditions that would prevent someone from using this enzyme diet shake?
There are no known contraindications to using the diet shake. The product contains only all-natural, whole food nutrients and does not contain any stimulants or drugs. It is a good source of protein, fiber and other nutrients. It can provide a nutritious meal or snack for those who want to lose weight or those who just want a source of good nutrition for overall health. However, individuals with health conditions should talk with their health professional before beginning this or any diet or exercise program.

I have more gas in my stomach when I use tihs enzyme diet shake. Is this normal?
A few people have reported increased gas production when they first start taking the shakes. Gas is actually created by the bacteria in the stomach and intestines. The bacteria break down fiber and other food components that aren’t digested from our diets and use it for energy. This enzyme diet shake is a good source of fiber, and for many people, starting to use this shake, can double their typical fiber intake. The result can be increased gas production by the bacteria, particularly if the bacterial population of the gut is imbalanced. Some types of bacteria produce more gas than others. Individuals experiencing gas may try using a flora support to rebalance the friendly bacteria and/or add a digestive enzyme product with meals and snacks.

I have been mildly constipated after using this enzyme diet shake. Is this common?
A small number of people have reported experiencing mild constipation while using the shakes. This enzyme diet shake is a good source of fiber. For many people, starting this diet can double their usual fiber intake. The intestinal system may not be used to that much fiber and may take some time to adjust. In addition, if water intake is not adequate to match the increased fiber consumption, constipation may result. Individuals experiencing constipation may try the following suggestions:

  • Double your current water intake.
  • Include a flora support product to help rebalance friendly bacteria.
  • Add a digestive enzyme supplement to meals and snacks.
  • Drink orange juice and/or prune juice as one of the snacks.
  • Eliminate caffeine and carbonated beverages.
  • Increase physical activity. Exercise stimulates the muscles of the intestines to move food through the system.


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